We share stories of celebration to give glory to God and celebrate his work among us. This issue’s story of celebration comes to us from Trinity Reformed Church in Brown Deer Wisconsin.
As part of our vision to be a Community Focused Church, I have been meeting with the Village Manager (Mayor) of Brown Deer for meals quarterly for about two years, along with our chief of police to build relationships with them, and keep open communication around how Trinity can support their work in town. For the last two years our communication has been almost only at our breakfasts or seeing each other at town functions. Until about a month ago.
The story as I was told, is that last time I met for breakfast with the Chief of Police and Village Manager I painted a vision for a different way of doing church and community life, reflected in Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon’s book, “The Art of Neighboring.” I spoke about how much good could be done just by knowing our neighbors. They affirmed the vision, and shared how they wanted to see more of this done in town. Flash ahead, we hosted a block party here at Trinity for our community that they loved, and wanted to see more done like it in town. They wanted to have something in the winter to bring people together and thought, let’s have a tree lighting ceremony, but our town resources are tapped out right now, who could help coordinate? Then the Village Manager shared about our breakfast meeting and block party during a council meeting at village hall, which led to a call asking if Trinity would coordinate this event, with their support and financial backing. This event is occurred this past Saturday.

Then another call comes to church. The Chief of Police asked if Trinity would like to be part of their major Christmas event “Shop with a Cop,” where they take needy students out shopping, and then wrap all the presents for the students to bring home to their families. The grant that has funded this in the past was discontinued, so they now needed nearly $2,000 for this event, and people who can help wrap the gifts and spend time with the students that night. I shared this with our consistory and they rallied. A week later Trinity had partnered with a local business and raised over $2,500 dollars. Trinity also sent people to help the students wrap gifts that day.

Praise God for his faithfulness!